Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Shiny new things for the classroom!

The good news: I'm getting a digital projector installed in my classroom tomorrow! (a Smart Board is "soon" to follow. read: sometime this school year).
The not as great (but ultimately insignificant news: we have to relocate to the computer lab for the day! I have to take a bunch of portable activities and squirmy kindergarteners out of our fortress of solitude and somehow teach them something in the process! 

I think we'll be taking periodic walks outside to burn off energy that can't be sustained around that expensive equipment.

Maybe with enough crayons (and the aforementioned exercise breaks) we'll have a good day. Hope so! 

Now I'm starting to think about things I can do with the new gear. Air PBS (or similar) video clips of phonics-related material? Make a class video (something with counting maybe?) My husband suggests collaborating with older classes to have them make Power Point presentations about the alphabet, or other appropriate stuff, for my class. It could then be easily shared with other classes, and the tech-centric teachers in the upper elementary grades could have good assignments for their kids in the process. So cool!

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