Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Mission Accomplished: summer birthdays all done!

Big news from the home front: all our birthdays for the year have been successfully accomplished! The eldest turned 11 this week, and our as-yet-unfinished upstairs made a fabulous roller rink for her party. The area will soon be our actual home, but for now it's one big big big room with no furniture and a nice smooth floor. Great fun was had by all.
In other news, I've got no news to report. Still job hunting, still looking at substitute teaching, still haven't heard from the charter school. Hoping I can stand the suspense until it all gets settled within the next few days.
Fingers crossed. At least they say I come highly recommended (they being people who've checked my references)! If it were a normal year I'd have a job or two by now. It's not normal, so I'm just grateful for the affirmations.
fingers crossed

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

No news...

I'm waiting (patiently, I swear) to hear back from Cool Charter School about how my second interview went.
Good news: out of 45 initial interviewees, 4 were called for second interviews and one of those had already taken another job or some such. So it was me and two others applying for not one but two openings. Good odds.
Bad news: It's been like two whole business days (4 days if you count the weekend) and I haven't heard anything. I still could be the one who didn't get the job. Ugh.
Sure, it's very validating, especially in a tough year like this, to get this far in the first place. I try to play it cool. I tell myself that substitute teaching for four different local districts could be just dandy for the next year or two. The truth is that yes, it would be fine, but I really hope I get the job. I like the mission of the school, I like that it's still a public school serving a high needs community, and I like that since it's a charter there is a lot of customization in the curricula and small class sizes.
So at this point I know that I'll be doing either the subbing or the charter school, and that's fine. I'm just hoping hoping hoping I get my own classroom and don't have to worry about the uncertainty of not working full time. Whatever the outcome, just knowing one way or the other will be good.