I'm at loose ends. With no long term writing projects hanging over my head, this week off is actually a week off! My older children finished up their school year on Tuesday, and I spent the whole day doing family-errands. I visited the high school to pay my oldest daughter's band teacher for the flute that looks like it won't be abandoned. Then I took the almost-3 year old to get on a preschool waiting list (good news: they're not worried about potty training status; bad news: it may be a year before she gets in). Then it was on to big kids' elementary school, where I procured a loaner violin for 8 year old to play over the summer, watched 10 year old receive many many awards for being an all around good kid and serious scholar, and make friendly, sort of "hire me someday" chitchat with as many folks at the school as possible for one last time. Then, toddler and I hustled home as fast as possible, as we were running all these errands on the bike and a rain storm was threatening. Rain. In the high desert. In June. Wow- this global warming is treating my area all right so far. More biking and less driving is in order anyway.
The strange thing right now is, I suppose, economically driven. Because we're in the toilet as far as the state budget goes, there are literally No Teaching Jobs. None. Like teachers are being laid off. So I'm forced to get creative with the whole job/career thing. It's looking like I'll be substitute teaching for our two local school districts next year. This is fine with me; I've gotten used to the idea of not getting a full fledged job and there are advantages to subbing. The pay won't be good, though, because there is a large pool of subs and I'm a newbie. So I'll need another job that starts around 4pm, so on days when I do get a subbing call I'll be able to accept it and still make it to the other job. This could make for a weird and even hectic school year, but we gotta do what we gotta do. This is where things get interesting, in my current mood of cautious optimism. What will I do for work in the after-school hours? I know there aren't a million jobs to choose from that will fit the bill, but maybe something good will surface... I've actually sent out two resumes today, and the one I'm hoping works out would be in that after 4 bracket (most likely) and would involve education and my undergraduate area of expertise and is right here in town and would be fun. While paying the bills. And not interfering with that keeping-my-toe-in-it substitute work. Fingers crossed. Please please please. If this works out and I'm hired, and subbing, and our big exciting new real estate pursuit pans out, well then I think 2009 will be a Good Year. Actually making a living at this stuff would be a dream come true.
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