Boy was it a nasty 32 hours. Four of the five of us got it (mercifully the three year old was spared, so far!) but I really think I had it the worst. At the risk of treading into the Too Much Information zone, I was up two or three times an hour from 1am to about 7. Then it was about another 24 hours of not really being able to comfortably get out of bed. Ugh. No fever, though, and no other symptoms aside from the intestinal ones! So whatever it was didn't require a report to the health department. I had to call in sick, which meant I got to figure out how to get a substitute while panicking that a) it wouldn't be arranged in time and that b) I didn't really have any good lesson plans in place for the sub. I'm spending the rest of the weekend doing house chores and outlining next week's lessons!
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